A one- or two-day session tailored for lawyers wanting to learn how to mediate or for individuals wanting to brush up his/her skills. This program can be scheduled upon request and is usually limited to 50 participants. The program can also be approved for continuing legal education (CLE) credit.

How to Mediate

How to Represent a Client or be a Client in Mediation
Our mediation experience has demonstrated that counsel and client alike are sometimes not sure how to get the most from mediation. This uniquely designed one day session answers all those questions. This program is designed for attorneys and clients alike who want to understand the nuances of alternative dispute processes and how best to make them work. Contact us for more information.

With the postponements and delays of traditional litigation activities, along with restricted company travel, many mediations have moved to a remote platform or hybrid of in-person and virtual. This seminar, tailored to our business clientele, covers several factors to consider and methods of conducting a virtual mediation. Designed to foster skills in mediating, these seminars are typically done upon request and customized to specific needs and class make up.
Perry Dampf CLE
Continuing legal education (CLE), also known as mandatory or minimum continuing legal education (MCLE), is education required after the initial admission to the bar. Attorneys must complete the required CLE in accordance to state requirements to maintain a license to practice law. Louisiana CLE requirements for newly admitted attorneys is 12.5 CLE credits within the first 2 calendar years of admission, including 8 hours of courses concerning ethics and professionalism, and/or law office management. Experienced attorneys must complete 12.5 CLE credits each year, including 1 hour of ethics CLE and 1 hour of professionalism CLE.